"Food is Fuel & Other Thoughts to Eat By"

by Albert G. Lotito

Main Theme: This book centers on transforming one's relationship with food from a dysfunctional, unhealthy dynamic to a conscious understanding of "Food is Fuel." Lotito argues that lasting change requires addressing the root causes behind overeating and offers personal anecdotes and practical mantras to rewrite internal dialogues around food.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

  • Diets are temporary fixes: Lotito argues that while diets can provide short-term results, they fail to address the underlying emotional and psychological reasons behind overeating. He emphasizes the need to "end the bad relationship" with food and understand the motivations driving unhealthy eating habits. "Diets do not work... because they do not address our relationship with food. Diets just address the mechanics, the process of eating."

  • Food is Fuel, not a coping mechanism: The book repeatedly emphasizes the core concept that "Food is Fuel," urging readers to view food as an energy source rather than a means of managing emotions like loneliness, sadness, anger, or boredom. "Food is not comfort. Food is not love. Food is not anger management...Food is Fuel."

  • Rewriting the internal script: Lotito suggests combating negative self-talk and unhealthy impulses by consciously replacing them with positive mantras. He encourages readers to "rewrite the script" in their minds by repeatedly affirming phrases like "Food is Fuel," "Food is not love," or "It's okay to be hungry."

  • Importance of a plan and self-responsibility: The book highlights the necessity of having a structured eating plan and taking ownership of one's choices. Lotito encourages readers to prepare meals, plan shopping trips, and resist temptations. He emphasizes personal accountability, stating, "The only one thing you need to do to own your choices is to own them...OWN YOUR CHOICES!"

  • Facing reality and accepting help: Lotito emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's weight without shame and seeking support when needed. He advocates for therapy, support groups, or finding solace in faith to navigate the challenges of changing one's relationship with food. "Do not be ashamed to need help...Find help."

Personal Anecdotes:

Lotito shares his personal struggles with weight, diabetes, kidney failure, and transplant, highlighting the cyclical nature of his relationship with food. He recounts his successes and setbacks, emphasizing that the journey to a healthy lifestyle is ongoing and requires constant vigilance.


  • "You must understand and then change your relationship with food."

  • "Food is the friend that lets you cry on her shoulder while spreading rumors about you to ruin your life."

  • "Every time you are presented with food (and even when you’re not) say it: “Food is Fuel.”

  • "The only thing in the entire world that we are responsible for is what we choose to do in any and every situation every moment of our lives."

  • "You cannot command the river of time and the actions of others...You only command your action."

  • "Make the right choice one time...Just decide one time. Repeat “Food is Fuel.”

Overall: While the book lacks a structured, evidence-based approach and relies heavily on personal anecdotes, it offers a relatable and potentially motivating perspective on tackling emotional eating. The core message of "Food is Fuel" and the emphasis on self-awareness and personal accountability could resonate with individuals seeking to transform their relationship with food.

What's the Point?

The goal of this book is to help you reflect on your relationship with food. I do not advocate for any 'diet' plan, just that you take an honest look at you self, your food, and how your relationship to eating.

The Road

This self-help book provides a clear and achievable path to a healthier relationship with food. The author, drawing on his personal experience of losing weight and improving his health, argues that food is fuel rather than a source of comfort or a reward.He encourages readers to develop a personalized, sustainable eating plan, emphasizing the importance of portion control and understanding the effects of different foods on the body. Through practical advice and motivational mantras, the book empowers individuals to take control of their eating habits, overcome common challenges like emotional eating and social pressure, and achieve lasting change one meal at a time.

The Team

A few of my many selves.

Albert Lotito
Lanterns, each a dream
Albert Lotito
Albert Lotito
Out and about
Albert Lotito
A night out